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A New Path To Health

Updated: May 15, 2022


  • Over the past few years, the topic of health has been a big controversy. There have been many different viewpoints on what is considered beneficial for one’s health and wellness.

  • This blog and business are being started to get a rather new, innovative view of health and wellness out to the world.

  • This innovative health and wellness progression has the potential to impact millions of people.

  • In this post, I’ll explain the vision of this new form of health and wellness, why it could be important to one, and what the future here at The Athletes Health may look like.

What Happened

Throughout the past few years, we have had the biggest challenges in mental health. The Covid-19 pandemic increased anxiety and depression by 25% (WHO).

To put this in perspective, one out of every four people had an increase in anxiety and depression. This increase could have been due to whatever the reason was during the pandemic, whether it be the isolation, being scared of the virus, or any other reason.

Mental health counselors, therapists, and psychologists have each been used vastly more since covid, and there has been significant burnout of these counselors trying to help people (Elder et al., 2022).

This burnout means that there most likely needs to be more therapists, and almost all of these counselors specialize in specifically one form of a disorder. They also usually stick to the mental aspect of solving problems, sometimes adding more to it when they need to.

Specializing in the mental aspect means they most likely see it from one perspective and have training in one perspective. This perspective would be the mental aspect of solving problems. This aspect is without a doubt needed and very useful. However, other problems tie together that need to be accounted for.

To continue this, the number of eating disorders, obesity, and nutrition-related dilemmas that have come about are a problem in our society.

  • Obesity, lack of physical activity, and lack of knowledge are just a few.

These are a combination of problems occurring in the society that is being lived in at the moment. The problem with this is that it all is tied back to the mental disorders we hear about every day.

Conclusion: There are not many people solving all of these problems together, trying to find a solution to them. This conclusion needs to change.

What’s Happening Next

As for the combination of these different forms of health, there is not much out there. Some people have a holistic approach to medicine. Yet they still are doctors, and they often focus on physical health rather than specializing in other aspects.

With that said, there is still a combination that needs to be addressed. That combination is how one can utilize nutritional assistance and physical activity to aid in using stress-relieving tactics, planning, and skills to master the stress and mental troubles that can arise with mental health.

What Is The Problem?

That is specifically it. One can not find many places combining nutrition and physical activity with mental health. It is breaking the surface of innovation, and here at The Athletes Health, we will be one of the first to get this new form of health off the ground.

What This Means For You

The future will be bright. It will be a long process, but combining these forms of health into one form will be a life-changing effect for countless people who feel as if they have not found something that works for them in controlling the bad thoughts that they get. Or the thoughts that arise when a problem occurs, or even when they know they did something wrong.

For anyone that has had troubles with their mental health, bad relationships with food, or bad relationships with physical activity, you are not alone. There are many other people with these problems who have been trying to get out of the dark on their own. Knowing that other people feel the same can help ease the situation.

What You Can Do Now

Stay up to date on these blogs. They are the start of a visionary plan that is in the beginning stages. It is just a water drop of what is hoped to be accomplished. As this continues, more knowledge will be gained, more tips and tricks will be learned, and The Athletes Health will be transferred from an idea into a business that will help millions.

One step at a time, it will progress. All it will take is to help one person at a time with the tidbits of information posted here. The information will give people that one piece of knowledge needed to change their perspective on some aspect of life.

Keep reading these blogs. If you like them or found something valuable, share it with someone! This blog and soon-to-be business will be started and continued while in graduate schooling, using every bit of information learned in the realm of nutrition, kinesiology, and psychology, in school and out. All the love and support will be greatly appreciated, but even more importantly, just helping the readers and changing someone’s life is the main motivator.


Overall, the vision for The Athletes Health will be a long-term goal. Until then, anyone who receives aid from any of this information from now and in the future is the very reason this is happening in the first place.

The information needs to be out there, and someone has to do it. Practice makes better performance, and that is what this is. Use these posts to find tidbits of information that will aid your stressors in life and make it the best life that you can live.


  • Stay up to date on these blogs.

  • If you find them interesting, share them with someone!

  • Find a way to make something positive out of each one of your days. These blogs will start to help with that.


1: COVID-19 pandemic triggers 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide. (2022, March 2). World Health Organization.

2: Elder, C. (2022, March 8). Counselor burnout during COVID-19. Counseling Today.

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