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What is 100% Effort and How To Always Use It

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

Keywords: Health, effort, fitness, motivation

Author: Gabe Rummel

Publish Date: June 13th, 2022


  • Putting forth 100% effort is very important to productivity and workmanship.

  • Whether you have recently started a career, are the boss or CEO of a company, are in school, or just finding your path, knowing what 100% effort is will help you down your path.

  • In this post, we’ll define what 100% effort is, why it is important, give real-life examples of 100% effort being used, and how you can start to implement using 100% effort today.

What is 100% Effort?

Merriam-webster dictionary states that the definition of effort is a conscious exertion of power, and hard work.

100% effort does not mean going through your whole day, every 1,440 minutes, putting 100% effort.

Instead, it means that when you are attempting to do something, a project, work, or whatever the assignment is, you have no distractions and are putting all your attention on it.

Why is 100% Effort Important?

Often, people go through events in their day half hazard. Maybe they are trying somewhat for it but do not care enough to put a lot of effort into it.

Or else maybe they have a thought in the back of their head that is non-stop talking to them and not letting them focus on anything else.

They also may not know the effort it could take in a project and do not realize what they are missing out on.

Regardless of the reasons, when you are not focusing 100% effort on a topic or event that you are doing, it is not getting all of your attention and will not be the best that it can be.

Everyone remembers when they are talking to someone, and that person is not paying attention to what you are saying. Instead, their mind is drifting, or else they are waiting for a time that they can speak again.

One instance to put this in perspective is from the book Deep Work by Cal Newport. This book sums up some information on 100% effort, along with other things, through its form of deep work learning.

I will not go too far in depth of deep work in this post, but in general terms, deep work is about putting 100% attention and effort into a task for a certain period without any distractions.

The amount of work that can get done when this happens versus with distractions is immense. If you have never experienced this or tried it out, you should attempt to plan out a block of time to work on something without any distractions.

No phone, no food to nibble on, no people coming to chat with you, no emails, nothing. Just you and 100% effort on the thing you will be working on.

Another aspect of effort besides the attention it puts on products is how much more quickly and better the product will get done. Let’s look at some examples in real life.

Three Real Examples of Putting Forth 100% Effort


For physical health, if you put 100% effort into a goal, then you will have a much better chance of achieving that goal.

Everyone has an event or number they want to achieve, whether that is completing a 5k run, or hitting that new personal record number on the movement that you have been working on.

The difference between the people who achieve that goal and more, vs the people who are still struggling to reach it is how much effort they are putting toward it.

Yes, people love the excuse of one person is genetically better than the other. While that may help some, it does not change the fact that that other person has had a bigger drive for that goal than you have, and is very much a reason why they have achieved it and you have not.


Branching out to social health, the difference between 100% effort or not can be astounding in this realm.

There are many different types of people. On two ends of a spectrum, some people are shy and sit in the corner, dreading talking to anyone. Then on the other end, there is the person that loves talking to absolutely anyone who will listen to anything they have to say.

Chances are you are one of these people or fall on the spectrum between them. Where ever you land, there is probably something that you wish you did better at. Whether it is listening to people, being a more confident speaker, or just going out more to get more involved.

No matter the scenario, if you are not putting 100% effort into trying to change what you want to fix, you will most likely, not put forth enough effort to elicit the change.


If someone wants to improve their mental health, 100% effort would be a great way to try and start. If they are debating about it, or have tried some things off and on, such as journaling, or talking to friends about problems, they may feel it is unnecessary.

If they have done it off and on, it may have worked when they were originally doing it, but something more important came up, and they stopped doing the solution to the problem, and the problem came back.

From this, they may conclude that there is no point in continuing to fix the problem because it does not seem to go away.

However, if you put forth 100% effort into trying to fix this issue, and not let other things come between it or just work on it off and on, you would see small changes for the better.

As you continue, those small changes would add up, and you could look back and see all the progress you have made because you have kept to the 100% effort.

How To Put Forth 100% Effort?

This may be a question you are asking, maybe you want to put forth 100% effort but just do not know where to start or how that is even possible.

One strategy for this is to just start somewhere. If you can start and do a solution for five minutes, that will be your gateway to fixing the problem. Often the hardest thing for people to do is just start.

Another post will be coming on just starting things, but in the most known terminology, Isaac newton’s first law of motion states that an object and rest stays and rest and an object at motion stays as motion.

So while it may be hard and mind-boggling to think about putting forth 100% effort into something, the hardest thing is just starting.


Once you have started trying to put forth 100% effort, do not let yourself get distracted. At some points, you may get bored. If you need to change what you are doing or walk around, feel free!

The one thing to not do, is to let simple distractions get in the way.

Do not go on your phone if you are trying to put 100% effort into something. Have it silenced; otherwise, every little notification will disrupt your train of thought, and you’ll go back to being an object at rest instead of in motion.


If you have a goal and want to achieve it, think about implementing 100% effort into your work to strive for the goal.

It will also be important to know that the journey to your long-term goal may be very long, and it is important to think about just taking each day at a time, one moment at a time.

If you can do this and have a positive viewpoint on each event, you may find your days more fulfilled and better with more in-depth work being completed.

At The Athletes Health, we combine the mental aspect of health with all forms of health. We are always growing, continuing to better ourselves and the world around us.

If you think anyone you know would benefit from this information, share it with them! The Athlete’s Health is for all health for all people.

Putting forth 100% effort is just one of the countless ways to get there.


“Effort Definition & Meaning.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,

Newport, C. (2016). Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world . New York ; Boston: Grand Central Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-4555-6386-9

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