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How To Control Your Fears


  • Fear is a very important topic when considering our daily living, as we can get fearful of many things that happen throughout our day.

  • If you are someone who notices yourself being slightly fearful of events throughout your day, then this post is for you.

  • This post will cover what fear is, why it matters, and how you can control your fears.

What is Fear, and Why Does it Matter?

Fear is defined as “An unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger, real or imagined.”

The key word here is perception. If there is actual danger, like a mountain lion you stumble upon while walking through a trail, then this fear can and should probably be very real.

The main difference with that example is the perception is the same as the danger. The problem most of us have is that the perception and actual danger are very different.

We need to acknowledge this. The fear we have of doing something, public speaking, meeting this new person, or trying something new is how we perceive it. We fear the outcome rather than just going through the situation and seeing how it works.

This fear will cause problems for us. It will prevent us from going out of our comfort zone to try new things. It will hold us back from the places we want to make us go.

We can be trapped in our thoughts wondering about this fear if we do not fix how we perceive it ourselves.

How to Control Your Fears

1. Acknowledge Your Fears

For us to attempt to control our fears, the very first thing we need to do is to acknowledge that they are even there.

Sometimes we do not want to acknowledge our fears because they can be uncomfortable or scary. We need to remember that that is all how we perceive it.

By acknowledging our fears, we know what we need to work on and can be more aware of them.

2. Notice Your Fears

Noticing your fears is different from acknowledging them. By acknowledging, we are just considering that the fear is there.

When we notice our fears, however, we try to pay attention to each and every time they happen.

When we do this, we start to draw attention to it more. The more we notice our fears, the more we want to change them, the more attention they will get, and the more opportunities we will have to improve them.

3. Question Why You Perceive The Event That Way

When we notice our fears, we get to move on to the next step, wondering why this is even a fear. We can wonder why we perceive this event in this specific way to make us fearful.

We can question, “Well, why am I even scared of clowns?” Or, “Why should I even be scared of public speaking,” or heights, or whatever the fear may be.

When we do this, we have options to face what follows. Our thoughts may focus on all the bad things that could happen from doing this. This focus is the PERCEPTION of fear. It is not real. It is what could happen, but nothing has even happened yet.

So, we have another option for this. We can attempt to change our perspective.

4. Attempt To Change Your Perception

Attempting to change your perspective can be arguably the tipping point for us in this how-to. Once you can change your perspective, you will open up many different opportunities.

If you change your perspective on heights being super scary and dangerous to be very fun, you will most likely have more fun doing it rather than being worried.

If you change your perspective on clowns from creepy and weird to funny and enjoyable, you will enjoy clowns more.

Changing your perspective goes for anything you are doing in your life. If you can try and change your perspective because that is all a fear is, you will have a better chance of doing the last step.

5. Attempt To Conquer Your Fear

Whatever your fear, the more you try to open yourself up to it, the more comfortable you will be with it.

One option you could have is to just let the fear consume you. If you are scared of heights, stand by the glass window of the tall building, or go on the bike path bridge that is very high.

To some, this may be the best option, to rip off the band-aid and conquer your fear just like that. To others, that may be too much.

Another option for attempting to conquer your fears is to instill them slowly in your life.

If you are scared of public speaking or socializing but want to become successful in your life, you will have to be able to talk and communicate with people.

Instead of taking the “let the fear consume you” approach, introduce it slowly.

Tell yourself you will introduce yourself to one person each day or three days out of the week! Just start very small.

Maybe eventually, find a group of people and do the same. Or ask your boss at work if you could set something up to talk to a group of people.

As long as you can change your perception of what the fear will become, you can try and complete the fear, each time you do, you will most likely feel better.

Three Tips and Reminders for Controlling Your Fear

  1. Like always, do not get discouraged. Starting and growing something is always harder than being in a position. Understand it will take time, but you can do it.

  2. Talk to someone about it. If you communicate with people about your fear and try to fix it for the better, you would be surprised at how many of your friends would want to help you.

  3. Work on changing your perspective on everything. The more practice with this, the better you will be. Just like your inner dialogue, how you perceive everything in your life will be how it is. If you can find the positive out of events, do so.


Remember, the danger is real, but fear is how you perceive danger.

Fear will be whatever you allow it, for whatever topics you encounter. We have given you step-by-step solutions to resolve your fears or at least attempt.

Remember, to do this, you need to acknowledge your fears, start to notice them, question why they are there, start to perceive them differently, and then face the fears head-on. Slowly but surely, you will see results. Just as importantly, you will need to just start this process. Simply start with step one and continue.

Even with the tip and reminders, it will still take time. Once you start to see progress, do not stop! Let it keep going and striving you to better yourself.


Take action. Start completing these steps, and see your life change.

If you would like to do this but still do not know how that is why we are here. To guide you down the path of becoming your better self. Each Saturday in Ames, Iowa, we have a workshop to help with this.

While doing this workshop, you will help your mental health and physical health. Doing this benefits you to be the hero of your story and conquer your problems and fears.

Here at The Athletes Health, we are just the guide with the solution to help you reach success in your life.

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