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Just Start. How To and Why.


  • People procrastinate. Or, they push something off because they think, “I can do this later.” If you change your outlook on this, you will change how you live.

  • If you go through your life making decisions, picking something over another, or simply not knowing what to decide and thinking about the how too much, this post is for you.

  • In this post, we will explain the term “Just Start,” why it matters to you, and how to implement it.

What is The Term Just Start, and Why Does it Matter?

The term, Just Start, is quite simply what it sounds like but is much harder to do. Just Start is a very important concept to understand and utilize in your day-to-day life, whether in your fitness, work environment, home, or whatever the case may be.

Like Newton’s First Law of Motion, an object at rest stays at rest, and an object at motion stays at motion unless acted upon by an outside force. It is the same case here, and you are the outside force making yourself turn in motion.

When you finally start something new, you open up countless possibilities and paths to go down. Take this into thought, you had an idea but did not act on it and spent six months making a plan, tweaking it, then tweaking it a little more until it was ‘perfect’ to go public with.

When you go public with the plan, it will be too late, and the ideas window will have already passed. You missed your chance because you did not take action immediately and instead kept pondering the thought of fear and judgment of others overthrowing your mind.

Instead, complete the task right away and just start. Who cares about all the ways you may or may not be able to reach a destination or goal. If you ponder it the whole time, you will continuously get more thoughts halting you in your tracks.

When you start the task immediately and do not bog yourself down on all the ways to get to the end product, you start to complete it. Instead of thinking about all the paths to reach it or what may go wrong, you find yourself on one of the paths, surviving, and moving forward.

When we simply just start a task that we have in mind, it opens many other doors. One of these outcomes is that it allows us more time. Instead of questioning and pondering what you should do next, you save all that time by just acting and following through on one of your achievements.

When you complete all these other tasks, you will most likely feel more fulfilled from your day. You may be tired or save a lot of time in your day and do not know what to do, but then you can relax for a second, knowing you have completed everything you set out to do!

How to Just Start

This is the main question everyone is wondering. How do you Just Start? One helping thing for this is building up the idea that you will activate Just Start on opportunities you will be doing.

One way to do this is to learn more about it, like from this post. You may not be aware if you do not know about the benefits of just starting something. Now that you are aware, you can put forth the action to just start, and by doing that, you are actually just starting. Crazy how that works.

Another idea is to pick three things throughout your day that you plan to just start when it comes. You won’t wait around or decide if it is actually what you want to do. You will also make yourself feel better with the actions you have been doing by completing all three tasks.

It is quite as simple as that. You just need to start the work to get started with it. Like anything else, it will be hard at first. It will be weird to do, confusing, and you may very well second guess yourself.

The more you do it, though, and the more you follow through, the more you will see how it benefits you and the more you will feel how good it feels.

Two Real-Life Examples

Someone has wanted to get more in shape and become physically active, but they just do not know what to do.

So instead, they sat around and looked at all the possibilities they could do to get into shape. They could have just started running, going to the gym, or doing HIIT workouts, but instead, they just keep finding more and more possibilities.

With every new possibility, they slid farther back into the unknown of what would be best for you to do to get in shape.

Instead, they could have picked one and just started it. Who cares about the other options when at least you are doing this one option to get moving forward.

Once they complete this option and have been doing it, they realize there may be a better one or one they liked more from the research they had done before starting the first option.

Good thing they have already been on the path to get in shape and can now switch paths to move down the other option of getting in shape.

Another example would be the person who is already in shape. They were already in shape but did not know how they could push themselves more. They were trying to embark on a path that could help their mental resilience and adherence when things get tough.

They did not know what to do. This person was in a rut and had been doing the same workouts while not seeing any progress. Instead of doing the same stuff, or worse, stumbling backward and stopping working out, they stumbled upon The Athletes Health and its benefits. They checked it out and signed up for workouts.

This person then found new techniques and workouts to progress themselves physically and mentally. They found new tasks and ways to accomplish their goals.

They found benefits in other areas as well. They found that from starting these new workouts that challenged their mind and body, they were able to have more control in other aspects of their life and were able to start other tasks quickly and have more time in their day from this.

5 Tips and Reminders to Just Start

  1. Do not get discouraged.

    1. When facing adversity, do not let it bog you down and have the fear freeze you in your tracks. Find a way to push through and keep producing a little bit each time. It will be important to view things in a positive way vs. with a negative view.

  2. Understand, like anything else, the more you attempt this, the easier it will get.

    1. When your Internal Dialogue is telling you no, do not listen. Each time you attempt the concept of just starting, it will be a little better and easier to do. Eventually, you will not even realize that it was once hard and that it is a concept you implement daily.

  3. Take it one step at a time

    1. When you first start, just have one or two tasks you have planned for your day; when they arrive, you will start them immediately.

  4. Plan it out.

    1. When you physically plan it out or put it on your calendar, you will be more likely to start and do these because you will have already said you wanted to do it at this time and will not be spending time wondering what you will be doing then and when.

  5. Find a support partner to do the “Just Start” concept!

    1. Having someone go through it with you will make it easier to bear through the hard phase. Both of you can then bounce how you are feeling about the day off of each other, talk about tips and tricks you found that helped out for the day, and more!


Implementing our “Just Start” concept into your life may be weird and difficult. But over time, the easier it will get, and the benefits will start to be seen from it.

When you Just Start anything you are doing, it will make it a lot better. It will help you achieve your goals and start you on the chosen path to your 10X goal. It will also help put forth 100% effort into your tasks to progress you in life.

If you still do not know how to implement this, think about incorporating it into a fitness or nutrition goal, which is very easy to use. Find a part or goal you have for that that you want to get done, and just start it right away without any ifs and or buts.


Pick one or two things you want to do today, or something that you have been waiting to do but have been putting off, and Just Start!

If you need help implementing this or are still stuck, we at The Athletes Health are skilled in turning this dream into a reality and getting people on track with their mind-body connection to get things done.

We can easily incorporate this with nutrition or fitness, which is one of the most applicable, allowing you to see results in other aspects of your life! Make your day the best it can be, and push yourself to be better!

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