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What Does The Athletes Health Represent?

*If you do not want to read the background story but rather just know what you are doing by supporting TAH, skip to the bottom to “What It Means When YOU Represent The Athletes Health.”

The Origin

With the in-person Mental Health Workshops and Mindfulness Yoga starting to gain traction, I feel the importance of telling why I created the Athletes Health and what it represents.

I created The Athletes Health to solve a problem that I was finding in my own behavior and the behavior of my peers.

Throughout my classes of nutrition and kinesiology, I found that while they may teach that information, the classes would never be tied back to the mental aspect, to where the problem seemed to originate. It could be to push yourself to do the workout or to actually follow the diet you have planned to lose weight.

Whatever the case, something was missing in the classes that the professors did not cover, and I was unsatisfied with the knowledge I gained.

To help myself, I began to read all the books I could on mental resilience, self-help, psychology; you name it. I put my nutrition books aside and started diving into the brain’s complex series.

Early Findings

When I began to do this, I realized there was so much information people did not know about. There was very valuable information, but it was not common knowledge.

I began to do undergraduate research in the Department of Nutrition, where the emphasis was on relating exercise and nutrition to psychological aspects. I continue to learn more about the psychological aspects of working through this lab on my own thesis through a master’s program.

But I found that no one was getting this information out to the public, and there was an opportunity to help countless people.

There are tips and tricks to one’s psyche and ways to overcome adversity. People need to know how to improve themselves in all aspects of life, not just nutrition and exercise like I originally started. These are just two topics that mental resilience can easily be related to.

Stepping Stones Along The Way

As we progressed two years farther down the line, I figured out that the best way to help people gain this knowledge would be to do my own thing.

I attempted to run a blog during the summer of 2021, and it gave me some valuable lessons. With those lessons, it did not work out as planned.

I knew I would want to keep doing something of my own to help people, but I could not figure out the exact way, and school made it challenging to do anything else.

After a year of school and reading every book I could in my free time, it was back to summer, when I could try again.

Present Day

That leads us to today. I have been able to connect with people who have their own businesses and have gained valuable mentors.

I started to read more business and marketing material instead of just the psychology-based material that drove me on this path.

I have barely scratched the surface of entrepreneurship and still have encountered failures and mess-ups. I have encountered the feeling that no one believes in the message I am trying to convey.

As I have started connecting with more people locally, I have realized that people like the message. Come to it; they love the message, feel its validity, and need it.

The trouble is getting the message out to people. With the local workshops on their way and growing, with my brand being on T-Shirts and other supplies for people to own, and with more people being reached and more plans ahead, it is important that the meaning of The Athletes Health is known to everyone.

How to Know That You Can Trust Me?

If I were in your shoes, I would be asking myself this same question.

I have battle diseases that have led me to be bedridden in hospitals.

I have battled back to overcome them.

I have continued to stay in the top percent of my academic classes just because the competition of it propels me.

I have embarked on a triathlon to challenge myself, and when that was not enough, I embarked on a marathon to push the envelope.

I have more plans and push myself every day just to ensure I never give out any information I do not utilize myself or have gone through.

How Do I Relate To You?

While that is just a quick synapse of my story, I know every person has their own story.

You have your own demons holding you back. Your own demons that you can conquer.

You can conquer these demons if you learn the skills and techniques. If you learn how to solve the problem at its root, if you learn how to become more mentally resilient

What It Means When YOU Support The Athletes Health

When you are wearing TAH clothing or telling people about the services provided, you must represent what it truly means.

The Athletes Health is the stepping stone of getting people from one spot in their life to the next. It is the movement of a person bettering themselves as a whole. It is a movement of understanding techniques to build their mental resilience to conquer their demons.

Originally taken directly to aid in one’s nutrition and exercise, I have found that it can relate to all parts of a person’s life, from picking up a piece of litter to how you can help someone out.

The Athletes Health represents bettering yourself. Each free blog post, each free Yorkshop session, and each tidbit of information gained each week gives one piece to the never-ending puzzle of making yourself more resilient.

It seems that life is not about getting to one final destination but making the most out of each day that you possibly can.

When you try to better yourself, make each day the best it can be, and win, you are now representing The Athletes Health.

What To Do Now

When you get a T-shirt or sweatshirt from me, it is not only because you support me and my business but because you want to represent a brand that came from the foundation of bettering yourself.

Of making yourself more resilient. Starting from the hidden yet powerful psychological side.

When you talk about or wear The Athletes Health, you know that you can try to face any challenge and that you are strengthening the core of any problem, your mind, to face and conquer the demons.

If you are in Ames, reach out or come to the Yorkshops. Learn a skill to help your mental resilience so you can better all aspects of your life, and immediately incorporate it into a quick mindfulness yoga practice.

If you are following me online and can think of more ways for me to reach out to you or someone else and help, let me know! I am always eager to find new ways to make my business grow.

If you would like a T-shirt or anything else to represent the brand of better yourself by becoming more mentally resilient, reach out, and we will get in touch.

Your health matters. Your mental health is the root of it all. With strong roots, the whole tree will become more resilient.

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