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What is the 10X Rule?


  • The 10X rule is very important in setting your goals up for success.

  • Anyone who has desires to reach goals can benefit from the 10X rule.

  • This post will discuss what the 10X rule means and how and when to use it.

What is The 10X Rule?

YOU can find the full book of the 10X Rule by Grant Cardone at this link.

In simplest terms, the 10X rule means setting anything you have planned to be ten times what you originally set out to do and then making that truly your goal.

This rule can apply to anything that you are trying to accomplish. If you are working towards a goal in the gym, or a goal of cardio, or even just a goal of your daily lifestyle, setting it up like ten times what you plan to achieve is very beneficial.

Setting it up for 10X is important because we do not always reach the desired goal we are striving for, or we only put forth the effort needed for that specific goal.

But if we strive for something much greater, we will put forth the effort to reach that much greater of a goal.

Why is The 10X Rule Important?

People often think through restrictions. You can only do this or only do that to a certain point. If you think through restrictions, you can only work until that restriction.

Likewise, if you switch it and think without limits, the possibilities are endless. How far can you push yourself? How much work can you do in a day?

The problem is that our society today is often focused on the limitations and restrictions rather than all the opportunities you can strive for.

The 10X Rule is a great way to go above and beyond what you think you can do vs. how you should do it.

Here are a few examples to help with understanding this concept and just how it could be used.

Four Real Examples of the 10X Rule

Public Speaking:

  • Let’s say you have a general goal of being able to give a speech in front of people without getting too nervous. You feel that you are not that good at it and always think too much and get in your head.

  • You would usually have a goal to be able to give your speech confidently in front of the other twenty people in your class. You may be able to achieve that, but since you are striving for that and not much more, you may still get nervous.

  • Instead, if you tell yourself to actually believe that your goal is to give a speech confidently to 100, or 200 people (for the 10X Rule), then the twenty people you originally had set as your goal seems very small and easy compared to being on the path to 200.

Physical Activity:

  • You have a simple goal of being able to run a 5k. Maybe to some, that is simple. To others, it is very hard. If that seems easy, let's say you have a goal of running a half marathon (13.1 miles).

  • If that is all you are striving for, the last mile or miles of the run would be very hard, or you may have never thought about how it would be.

  • If you set your goal to be a lot farther than that, like a marathon, then the half marathon will only be halfway to that goal and seem not nearly as far as if that was what you were doing.

Eat a diet to cut weight:

  • You originally wanted to just look better for a summer vacation, so you plan to start eating a little better to lose a little weight.

  • If that is all you plan to do, not much will change because you will not put forth the energy to get to the desired outcome.

  • If your goal is to strive to be the very best looking on the beach for your summer vacation, by the time you go on the trip, you will have put forth a tremendous amount more effort to reach the desired outcome than with the original goal.

  • Doing this would allow you to reach your first goal and any extra towards the 10X goal that you created.

Helping others:

  • Let’s say you feel like you should be able to help five people a day.

  • But some days, you do not do this because it isn't a priority, or you just do not have enough time in your day.

  • Instead, if you plan to help fifty people a day, you will be striving for a ton more and try to reach that instead. You would only be 10% of the way to fifty but would still achieve your five people for the day.

  • You may not reach fifty, but your original goal will be a short distance to reach it.

Four Tips and Reminders for the 10X Rule

  • Make sure to still give yourself credit for what you are currently doing to reach your goal. Like from goal setting, you should still be happy with what you have done!

  • If you do not reach your 10X goal, or it seems too far out of reach, that is okay! Just keep attacking each day one event at a time, and slowly but surely, you will see results.

  • Knowing any goal will take time. It’s easy to read or hear about people achieving goals, but it is not discussed as often how long it takes to reach them.

  • There will be ups and downs along the journey to your 10X goal. Especially on the down days, find the positives out of the events and view it as being a glass half full vs half empty.


Start to think about utilizing the 10X rule. It may seem daunting at first, but once you start to utilize it, you will see how it helps achieve any goal that you may set out to reach.

Do not limit yourself by thinking with restrictions, but instead, think about having endless options as long as you chip away at them.

This information is just the tip of the ice burg of information related to the 10X Rule. If you want to find out more about it, get the book yourself and learn all you can!


  • Start making goals.

  • Set your goals 10X what you want to achieve.

  • Strive to achieve these 10X goals, and in doing so will see and feel yourself living a better life.

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