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What Is The Athletes Health?


  • With the brand becoming more familiarized, people should understand what The Athletes Health stands for.

  • If you were wondering where The Athletes Health comes from or what it means, this post is for you.

  • This post will cover what The Athletes Health is, how it benefits you, and its importance and origin.

What is The Athletes Health?

Your health matters. You can tie everything back to your mental health. Strengthen it, and you will strengthen your whole life.

The Athletes Health is the name of the start-up business that centers on building and focusing on mental resilience to transform you into the best possible position to aid in all other forms of health.

How Does The Athletes Health Benefit YOU?

Before we talk more in detail about the origins and meanings behind The Athletes Health, you need to understand what exactly it can do for you.

Whether you realize it or not, you go through your day with not as much control of your thoughts, actions, or stressors as you would like. Every challenge you face can be tied back to your mental psyche, how you perceive it, and how you handle it.

You want to be able to control your thoughts, follow through with everything you say, trusting yourself that you can get it done. You most likely want to be able to push the envelope farther, making yourself the best you that you can be. Who wouldn’t want to do this?

Here lies the problem. Your mind is your villain. All the external comparisons of social media, distractions, and the top one percent being shown everywhere make people believe they are not doing anything good in their life.

There are also your internal problems of knowing you could make healthier choices for your psyche and all the other forms of health, but they all arise or can be tied back to your mental health.

People ought to be able to make their mental health more resilient, control their thoughts and actions, and live happier lives.

I have been through the struggles and have seen people go through the struggles. I can understand the thoughts, problems, and dilemmas you encounter that hold you back because of the experiences and knowledge I continue to gain.

I also am competent in fixing them. I have studied the greats and how they accomplished their incredible accomplishments. I have implemented these skills in my life.

Why is The Athletes Health Important?

The Athletes Health is very important. It allows you to recognize that your mind is a limiting factor for yourself and can be holding you back.

If you come to the workshops or do online training and coaching, you can learn and implement the skills needed and utilize them in practice. Then you can notice the benefits right away and how you feel. From here, we can continue to practice the existing techniques and always learn more.

We have an agreement. The Mental Agreement. Together, you will conquer your mind and learn the skills needed to make yourself the best version you can be.

You can have an ending of success. One where you have gained mental resilience. One where you have gained skills to use to conquer any problem that stands in your way.

The Athletes Health can help you avoid failures. The negatives. It can help you avoid an excessed, negatively stressed life. It can help you avoid not following through on your word. It can help you avoid settling and not pushing yourself to get better.

The Athletes Health can help transform you from fragile and distraught to resilient and ready.

Where Does The Name Come From?

The name does in imply that we work with just athletes and their health. Rather, that is the origin. While studying some of the greatest athletes of all time, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, David Goggins, Ross Edgley, and many more, I have found one common similarity.

These people who completed unimaginable tasks had control and power over their minds. Their mind was never a limiting factor.

You may go through a workout, which will get hard. When it does, you think that means to stop. The difference between you and these athletes is that for them, that feeling means to only push farther, that the actual workout has just begun.

This mentality implies to every aspect of life. Not just working out, but how you attack every obstacle you encounter, day in and day out, with everything you do.

While you go through your education thinking it is very hard and you can not figure it out, these athletes would say that that is the reason to sit down and crush the next test you have.

Any problem these athletes faced, they attacked it head-on until, eventually, it was out of their way. These greats attacked their problems until they conquered them.

That is what The Athletes Health stands for. Not backing down, but instead building up the mental resilience to be able to attack any obstacle in your way, helping your mental health and, in return, helping all forms of health.


The Athletes Health is just at its beginning. It will continue to carve its path out in the health industry. The future is bright, and the vision is endless.

If you are wondering how we can help you, there are a few options.

  1. If you are in the Ames area, come to our weekly Mental Resilience Workshops every Saturday at 9:30 am.

  2. If you are not in the Amws area but still would like help working on bettering your mental resilience to help in everything you do, reach out, and we can do online programming and sessions as well!

  3. If neither of these sounds like the best option, continue to follow the blog posts and posts on social media as we continue to grow and work on making our ideas a reality.

Your health matters. You can tie everything back to your mental health. Strengthen it, and you will strengthen your whole life.

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